Stefanie Haustein wins uOttawa Library Open Scholarship Award

“I am convinced that openness and transparency make research outputs and outcomes better,” says Stefanie Haustein when asked what motivates her to practice open scholarship. “Knowledge produced by the scholarly community should be open to all, not hidden behind paywalls.” 

The ScholCommLab co-director has been practising open research just after finishing her PhD, when she began posting her journal articles on arXiv and publishing in gold OA journals such as PLOS ONE. Since then, she’s incorporated more and more openness into her work, both in her research and in her teaching as an assistant professor at the School of Information Studies at the University of Ottawa. Last winter, Stefanie’s students produced and shared their own online educational resources on information literacy, which have collectively been downloaded about 150 times to date. “It’s just great to share the students’ amazing work beyond the classroom!” she says.

In celebration of her ongoing dedication to openness, Stefanie is this year’s proud recipient of the University of Ottawa Library Open Scholarship Award. Established in 2016, the award “recognizes faculty members and instructional staff who are committed to exploring the opportunities afforded by the global shift toward an open ecosystem of scholarly research and teaching.” 

In this short video, Stefanie sits down with Jeanette Hatherill, uOttawa Scholarly Communication Librarian, to discuss open access, research, education, and more. 

Find out more about the Open Scholarship Award on the uOttawa website, or check out the ScholCommLab’s research into open access, open education, and open data.